


Sample code using cURL

Token-Based HTTPS Request

This is the most basic example of accessing a REST API endpoint using an API token. It assumes the API token has already been generated, replacing <token> in the examples below. It also uses the -k option for cURL to bypass unknown certificate authority errors, so it should be used with caution.

cURL Command
$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://cuica-host/v1/system/info
{"version":"1.2.3","buildVersion":"b1bd459", "lastCommitTime":"2025-02-11T01:07:43-05:00","serialNumber":"CUIPRF-XXX"}

Token-Based HTTPS Request with CA

This sample code is similar to the previous, however this specifies a local root CA (my-cert.pem) to avoid TLS certificate errors.

cURL Command
$ curl --cacert my-cert.pem \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://cuica-host/v1/system/info
{"version":"1.2.3","buildVersion":"b1bd459", "lastCommitTime":"2025-02-11T01:07:43-05:00","serialNumber":"CUIPRF-XXX"}

Session-Based HTTPS Request with CA

This sample code shows how to make an HTTPS request using a using a custom PEM file (my-certs.pem) for the TLS certificate chain and by using an HTTP session instead of a token.

cURL Commands
$ curl --cacert my-certs.pem -X POST -c cookie_jar.txt -d"username=<username>&password=<password>" https://cuica-host/login
Found. Redirecting to /
$ curl --cacert my-certs.pem -b cookie_jar.txt https://cuica-host/v1/system/info
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