The following example uses the requests library in Python to make an HTTPS
request to a Cuica. This example assumes the API Token has already been generated
in place of the placeholder <token> and a custom TLS certificate chain
PEM file exists as my-cert.pem.
The following example also uses the requests library in Python to make an HTTPS
request to a Cuica, but in this case a Binary Image ELF file is uploaded to the
program endpoint to program a DUT.
This example assumes that the API token has already been generated and substituted
for the placeholder <token>, a custom TLS certificate chain PEM file exists
(my-cert.pem), and the Binary Image ELF file (my-binary.elf) has been built from source code.
The following example uses the websocket library in Python to subscribe
to the websocket events coming from a Cuica. This example assumes the API Token has
already been generated and a custom TLS certificate chain PEM file exists.